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Exam Results

GCSE Exam Results 2024

GCSE 2024 Photo

Orleans Park students in Year 11 were today rewarded for their hard work, commitment and resilience by achieving a fantastic set of GCSE results; with the overall progress of all students towards their target grades being the best the school has ever achieved and extremely high numbers of our students achieving top grades 9 - 7. 

As in previous years, students excelled in all areas of study and have been rewarded with outstanding academic achievement. Students achieved an incredibly high set of grades; 32% of students achieved grades 9 or 8 and 48% of grades were grades 9 to 7. Headteacher Ms Pacey said:  "I am incredibly proud of our Year 11 students. Over the past two years, I have seen them put in an immense amount of effort, attending countless interventions and staying focused on achieving their personal best. Their willingness to embrace the wide range of support offered by our dedicated staff at Orleans Park School has been truly admirable. These impressive results are a testament to their determination and the commitment of our staff in guiding them through their GCSEs. I am thrilled for each and every one of them and wish them all the very best for their future. Based on these achievements, we can certainly expect great things from them!"  

English and Maths combined results are the best the school has ever achieved; with a pass rate of 92% across both subjects and 80% of all students achieving a strong pass (grade 5) in both subjects. Almost half of all grades in both subjects awarded were grades 9 - 7. This is a phenomenal achievement by our students!

The national results this year for students achieving a grade 5 are 52.7% and our students achieved 85%.

We also  are particularly pleased that 15% of all grades were at grade 9, compared with the national average of 5%. National results for students achieving grades 8 and 9 was 12.2%, whilst at Orleans Park, 31% of all grades were grades 8 and 9, which is a fantastic achievement by our students.  

Fantastic results were also achieved in Science, with 95% of all students achieving a strong pass in Biology, Chemistry & Physics. Notably, 75% of all students achieved grades 7 and above in Biology, Chemistry and Physics; a fantastic achievement. In Combined Science, 91% of all of our students achieved a pass, with almost 23% of all students achieving a grade 8 or 9. 

Highlighting individual student successes must begin with Lucy, who achieved grade 9s in every single subject - an absolutely incredible achievement and testament to the hard work that Lucy has put in during her time at Orleans Park School. An incredible number of students also scored a clean sweep of top grades 8 and 9 - congratulations therefore must go to Marcus, Willem, Samuel, Toby, Etienne, Josia, Rose, Sam, Annie, Matilda, Aarush, Fraser, Maia, Isabel, Sasha, Ruqayya, Adam, Asya and Haylia.

As stated earlier, the progress of all students this year is the best the school has ever seen, with an incredible 36 students achieving an average of between three or two grades higher than their target grades for every subject! This is a school record and just goes to show how hard our Year 11 students have worked this year.

Particularly impressive was the progress made by those students who had regularly committed to attending Progress Club, tutoring sessions and various other interventions throughout the academic year. The majority of students involved significantly improved their Progress 8 score, with Marcus, Theo, Laila, Yasin and Oscar making significant progress between the end of Year 10 and their GCSE examinations. Deputy Headteacher Mr Dodge said, “These results go to show that through real dedication, commitment and expert support, our students have been able to achieve the grades they want and deserve at the end of Year 11.”

Head of Year 11, Mr Whyard, also celebrated his year group’s success this morning: “I am so pleased to see my year group achieve such a phenomenal set of results. It really is well deserved after all of their hard work. The students in Year 11 have worked tirelessly this year and have really embraced every intervention and method of support we have put in place. It has been an absolute pleasure to see them develop this year and be rewarded with such outstanding grades. I wish them all the best for the future and am certain that the best is yet to come!”

A Level Exam Results 2024


It is with great pride that we celebrate the excellent achievements of our Sixth Form students; 63% A*/B grades and 30% A*/A grades were achieved across all subjects (exceeding the national trend of 27% at A*/A). Furthermore, 12% of all grades were at A* and 85% were A*-C. We are incredibly proud of our Sixth Form students whose hard work has helped them to achieve such a really pleasing set of results which have enabled them to take a crucial step towards their future and continue the success of Orleans Park Sixth Form.

A significant proportion of students have gained places at top universities to read subjects such as English Literature, Economics, Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science, Film Studies and Law to name a few. 

We are delighted that Thomas has accepted his place at the University of Cambridge to read History. 

Other outstanding individual performances include:

  • Sam           A* A* A* A*
  • Thomas     A* A* A* A*
  • Ben            A* A* A*
  • Sam           A* A A B
  • Tess           A* A*  A* B
  • Laila           A* A* A
  • Soichiro      A* A* A
  • Charlotte    A* A A
  • Ewan          A* A A
  • Ivy               A* A* C
  • Thomas      A* A A A
  • Jaydan       A* A A
  • Rosie          A* A A
  • Sienna        A* A A
  • Jess            A* A* B
  • Poppy         A* A B
  • Betsy-May  A* A B
  • Joel            A* A B
  • Joseph       A* A B
  • Billy            A A A

We also have several students attending Art Colleges, including Millie and Jasper who are going to study at UAL and Betsy-May who has been accepted at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art reflecting the excellent provision for creative arts at the Sixth Form. Students have also gained places on competitive apprenticeships - congratulations to Ben and Harrison.

These results reflect the motivation, commitment, hard work and dedication of our students and staff. Thank you for the support from families and Governors to ensure our Sixth Form continues its outstanding provision for all students.