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Orleans Park Careers Entitlement Statement

Careers TransparentAll Orleans Park students receive high quality careers guidance which enables students to achieve their full potential; fulfil their future ambitions; and be the best they can be.

Students at Orleans Park will receive unbiased, high quality, up-to-date and locally relevant careers information and guidance, with multiple opportunities for good quality, meaningful encounters with the world of work. Orleans Park will therefore ensure that every student has high aspirations and considers a broad range of careers and will challenge any stereotypical views. This supports social mobility, by improving opportunities for all young people.

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) 

Orleans Park School is delighted to announce that we are currently working towards the accreditation of Quality in careers Award. The Quality in Careers Standard is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice, and guidance (CEIAG) in secondary schools, colleges and work-based learning. The Quality in Careers Standard is seen as not only an award, but a developmental process, in order to ensure outstanding careers provision for our students, and fully complies with the Department for Education’s statutory guidance.

Orleans Park Commitment Letter - Achieving Quality in Careers Award

CEIAG Partnership Map

The CEIAG Team at Orleans Park School

Clink on the link below to see all staff at Orleans Park that form part of the CEIAG Team. 

The CEIAG Team

Student Destinations 

Orleans Park School is incredibly proud of all of its students and their achievements. Below is an overview of the destinations that our students went on to at both Post-16 and Post-18.

Destinations 2024

The Gatsby Benchmarks

At Orleans Park all students have access to a planned programme of careers education which is underpinned by the 8 GATSBY Benchmarks, as directed by the Department for Education. In order for all students to be better informed about their future options, Orleans Park is committed to developing and strengthening strong partnerships between different types of training providers, as per the Provider Access Legislation, January 2023. All students therefore across all Key stages have meaningful encounters with providers of higher education, technical education and apprenticeships. 

All students will receive impartial information, advice and guidance related to careers throughout their time at Orleans Park School. This is led by our qualified, independent Careers Advisor, Mary Guthrie.

All Orleans Park students attend a meeting with Mary in Year 10, and in partnership with her, will come up with a personalised Careers Guidance Action Plan, which is also shared with families. This is in order to assist students with planning their next steps into Years 11,12 & 13. Students are also welcome to see Mary at any point during the school day, should they wish to discuss their future. They can either pre-book in advance or attend the ‘drop-in’ service during lunchtimes.

Students, families, tutors or other members of the school staff are welcome to email questions or appointment requests to Mary directly at  MGuthrie@orleanspark.school.  

Orleans Park also works closely with a designated Enterprise Coordinator (LEAN Network), Sally Lawson-Ritchie, who can be contacted at Sally.Lawson-Ritchie@southlondonpartnership.co.uk

Orleans Park School welcomes employers to join our Orleans Park Careers Employer Network, offering any career related learning opportunities to our students. If you would like to speak to someone at Orleans Park School about career related opportunities then please contact the Careers Lead, Mr Dodge at ldodge@orleanspark.school.

Below is the Orleans Park School Careers Strategy, which also serves as the school's Careers Policy. Within the Careers Strategy you will find information on the aims & objectives of CEIAG at Orleans Park School, student entitlement, the different roles of staff involved with CEIAG, as well as the school's strategic objectives over the next three years. 

Careers Strategy 2023-26

Measuring & Assessing the Impact of the Orleans Park Careers Programme

Orleans Park School Careers Programme 

Careers is embedded within the curriculum at Orleans Park and all departments across all key stages ensure that links are made between subjects and future pathways/careers throughout the academic year. The table below outlines a range of different ways careers are embedded within both the curriculum and wider school community at Orleans Park in accordance with the GATSBY Benchmarks and the Baker Clause.

If you have any questions relating to the careers programme at Orleans Park, you can speak to the school's independent designated Careers Advisor, Mary Guthrie or Assistant Headteacher Mr Dodge (Careers Lead).

Careers Programme at Orleans Park School 2024-25

To see what a full careers programme looks like at the end of an academic year, click on the link below to view our programme for 2023-24. 

Careers Programme at Orleans Park School 2023-24

Orleans Park Careers Newsletter

October 2024 

September 2024

July 2024

May 2024 Second Edition

May 2024

March 2024 Second Edition 

March 2024

February 2024

January 2024

December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

September 2023

July 2023

June Part Two 2023

June 2023

May 2023

March 2023

Interested in supporting our students? 

At Orleans Park School we are commited to giving all students outstanding careers education, information and guidance. We welcome employers who are interested in helping us raise our students' career aspirations, develop their employability skills and learn more about the exciting industries available to them.

If you are an employer who would be interested in supporting our students, then please click on the link below to join our Orleans Park Careers Employer Network. 

Orleans Park Careers Employer Network

Orleans Park Careers Events - Employer & Student Feedback 

At Orleans Park School we are constantly looking to improve our Careers Education. Therefore, if you are an employer or organisation that has delivered a careers event to our students, or you are a student who has taken part in one of these careers events, we would greatly appreciate your feedback. Please click on the appropriate link below to complete a short evaluation form of the activity you either delivered or took part in. 

Student Feedback Form

Employer/Organisation Feedback Form


Unifrog LogoAll students at Orleans Park have access to the Careers Platform, Unifrog. Unifrog brings into one place every apprenticeship, university course and college course in the UK, as well as career opportunities and School Leaver Programmes.

It is an impartial, user-friendly platform that helps students make the best choices, and submit the strongest applications. If students would like a temporary password, they can speak to Mr Dodge.


Orleans Park Provider Access

New Provider Access Legislation takes effect from January 2023 and will apply to all schools and colleges in England. The new Provider Access Legislation was set out in the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022 and is designed to develop and strengthen the existing legislation (the Baker Clause) by ensuring strong partnerships between schools and different types of training providers. This is to ensure that all students in years 8 – 13 have meaningful encounters with providers of technical education and apprenticeships, so that they can be better informed about their options. Orleans Park is committed to developing and strengthening strong partnerships between different types of training providers, as per the Baker Clause and Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022, in order to ensure that all students in Years 8 to 13 have meaningful encounters with providers of technical education and apprenticeships. Please find below the Orleans Park Provider Access Policy.

Provider Access Policy

Guidance Action Plan

Click  below to download a blank Careers Guidance Action Plan, which will be useful for any careers guidance meeting.

Guidance Action Plan Form