
Curriculum Intent

We aim to provide our students with the skills to become critical, evaluative thinkers, who can look at the world around them and understand how they fit into it; how the world has been shaped by their predecessors and the links between the past and present. Through History teaching we champion questioning and thinking ‘outside the box’ and encourage students to use historical evidence to support their views. We strive to teach a diverse and inclusion range of history which represents the multicultural nature of our school community.

Our vision is to enthuse, inspire and support independently minded individuals who can challenge the environment around them and create a better future.

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 we establish the core historical concepts of cause and consequence, change and continuity, chronology, significance and diversity. We aim to do this by looking at enquiry based topics.

Through assessments we establish the historical skills which students will need the further they take history, including source analysis, essay writing and developing substantiated opinions.

  • Beginning in Year 7 we look at periods of history where we can build an understanding of the importance of historiography, evidence, significance and the story of human beings.
  • In Year 8 we look in depth at specific human events which have had a lasting impact on the world we live in today.
  • In Year 9 we concentrate on preparing our students for GCSE and the rigours of knowledge acquisition.

The curriculum is diverse and attempts to look at a variety of different perspectives of history.

Key Stage 4

At GCSE we follow the AQA exam curriculum. This curriculum has 4 topics which are split into two distinct papers:

  • Understanding the modern world
  • Shaping the nation

Through these two broad papers, students are exposed to not only British history but that of other countries; especially through our newest unit which looks at migration, empire and the people. The topics allow students to build on themes from lower down the school, apply their historical skills which they will be honing through Year 10 and Year 11, as well as discovering new history which will allow them to explicitly understand the world they are growing up in. The course has been designed to cover change & continuity, significance and diversity.

Key Stage 5

History at A-level hones the historical skills and applies them to two specific topics which are studied throughout the two years:

  • Revolution and Dictatorship: Russia 1917-1953
  • The British Empire, c1857-1967

A-level students become experts in these two topics gaining confidence to really excel and use historical evidence to become critical thinkers. They will be analysing and evaluating sources and historical interpretations as well as being proficient in extended writing, debating and reasoning. 20% of their final grade is earnt from their NEA which is usually looked at during Year 13 to maximise their historical skills

Where can History take me?

History is a facilitating subject; highly regarded by universities and employers alike.

Become a lawyer, researcher, journalist, museum curator, politician, professor, teacher, archaeologist, writer, work in film and television, work in criminology, run your own business. Whatever you want to do, History will be a good foundation.

History Curriculum & Assessment Overview